“A Time Capsule”
A queer Russian novel set in Ukraine? Still possible in 2022. What’s more: it’s a bestseller and a very timely reading.
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A queer Russian novel set in Ukraine? Still possible in 2022. What’s more: it’s a bestseller and a very timely reading.
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“WTF! – the queer and feminist potential of scandal” was the title of a discussion held between Reyhan Şahin (aka Lady Bitch Ray, academic and artist), Patsy l’Amour laLove (gender researcher and ‘Polittunte’), and Jule Govrin (philosopher), chaired by Luce deLire, on Oct 11th at the ICI Berlin. (mehr …)
From June 6–9, 2019, over 30 scholars gathered in Berlin at the conference “Mosse’s Europe: New Perspectives in the Study of German Judaism, Fascism, and Sexuality” to critically reassess and carry on the legacy of the pathbreaking German-Jewish historian George L. Mosse (1918–1999) on the occasion of the centenary of his birth.
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