CrossAsia Talks: Amanda Shuman

Do18Apr18:00Do19:30CrossAsia Talks: Amanda ShumanHandling „lingering historical issues“: Using the Maoist Legacy database to examine justice in the post-Mao eraVeranstaltungsartVortrag


Am 18. April ab 18 Uhr stellt Frau Amanda Shuman (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) das Projekt „Maoist Legacy Database“ in ihrem Online-Vortrag „Handling „lingering historical issues“: Using the Maoist Legacy database to examine justice in the post-Mao era“ vor. Sie wird insbesondere auf die Nutzungsmöglichkeiten der bestehenden Datenbank eingehen.

The Maoist Legacy Database (MLD) was initially created as part of the ERC-project, „The Maoist Legacy: Party Dictatorship, Transitional Justice, and the Politics of Truth,“ directed by Daniel Leese at the University of Freiburg, Germany. Over the course of 5 years (2014-2019), the project team collected and curated documents for the database related to the research topic and beyond. This talk will introduce the kinds of materials in the database and research possibilities through a discussion of the primary resulting research projects, three outstanding PhD dissertations, a monograph, and two groundbreaking co-edited volumes examining top-down and bottom-up efforts at justice in the post-Mao years. It will highlight the breadth of what’s available and  discuss how scholars around the world are now using the database, both for their research and as a teaching tool.

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18. April 2024 18:00 - 19:30(GMT+02:00)

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Potsdamer Platz

Potsdamer Straße 33, 10785 Berlin

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Potsdamer Platz