Cyberfeminism Index

Fr17Feb19:30Fr21:00Cyberfeminism IndexReading and conversation with Maya Indira Ganesh | Mindy SeuVeranstaltungsartGespräch,Lesung


The CYBERFEMINISM INDEX is an annotated chronology of over 700 short entries of excerpts from academic texts; descriptions of hackerspaces, digital rights activist groups, and bio-hacktivism; and imagery of feminist net art and new media art. What emerges is a vision of cyberfeminisms in the plural, with rarely explored crossings and intersections that explore cyberfeminist practices and structures in light of pervasive technological infrastructures. Starting from the multiplicity of the archive, Mindy Seu and Maya Ganesh will explore the rhizomatic evolution of cyberfeminism and lead a discussion about its future possibilities.

The CYBERFEMINISM INDEX brings an evening of performative reading and conversation to diffrakt to celebrate the launch and publication of the eponymous book and platform.

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17. Februar 2023 19:30 - 21:00(GMT+02:00)

diffrakt | zentrum für theoretische peripherie

Crellestr. 22, 10827 Berlin

diffrakt | zentrum für theoretische peripherie