Diversity and anti-racism in literary studies

Mo01Feb20:00Diversity and anti-racism in literary studiesVeranstaltungsartDiskussion


Organised by Aiden John (Research Area 1: „Competing Communities“) and Jasmin Veeh (Research Area 4: „Literary Currencies“).

How diverse are German-speaking literature departments and what opportunities do they offer to study topics related to anti-racism, diversity and intersectionality? This discussion aims to provide students with a platform to focus on their personal experiences in the teaching and research of literary studies, to critically reflect on them, and to put the prospects of German-speaking literary studies up to debate. Questions of how to deal with (open or implicit) canons, racist and eurocentric norms at place in literary and scholarly practice, positive counter-examples as well as many other adjacent topics can be examined and discussed here from a student perspective.

The discussion follows up on the discussion from 14 December 2020, in which guests Sharon Dodua Otoo and Dr. Fernando Baldraia gave insight into their literary and scholarly work and thus inspired a joint conversation with the participants. As a continuation of and re-entry into the discussion, we provide short excerpts from Sharon Dodua Otoo’s 2014 novella Synchronicity for voluntary preparation. The novella was published in edition essamblage as well as in Fischer-Verlag. Its purchase is heartily recommended!

Participation in the previous event is not required to take part in the up-coming discussion. Non-student participants are of course also very welcome!

Please register by 29 January 2021 with Aiden John, aiden.john@fu-berlin.de

The event will take place via Cisco Webex Meetings. You will receive the access information and the excerpts from Synchronicity on 30 January. The event will be held in German, but English can be used if necessary.

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1. Februar 2021 20:00(GMT+01:00)

Freie Universität Berlin