Epistemologies and Technologies of Surveying
Kick-Off Meeting of the DFG research network: Global Cultures of Enquête. Towards a praxeoloy of surveying (17th to 21st Century) No registration
Kick-Off Meeting of the DFG research network: Global Cultures of Enquête. Towards a praxeoloy of surveying (17th to 21st Century)
No registration needed.
To join online, please send a quick mail to Lea Renard and the zoom link will be emailed to you.
Léa Renard
renard ( at ) cmb.hu-berlin.de
Institut für Geschichtwissenschaft
Thursday, May 2
13:00–13:30: Welcome & Introduction
Jay Rowell (Director, Centre Marc Bloch)
Martin Herrnstadt & Léa Renard (Network Coordinators)
13.30-14.45: Keynote lecture
Daniel Midena (The University of the South Pacific): Genre and Voice in the History of Questionnaire Methods
14.45 – 15:00: Coffee Break
Nina Baur (TU Berlin): The Role and Practices of Survey Methodology in the Social Sciences – Past and Present
Anna Echterhölter (Universität Wien): Ordering of Data Collections: German Enquêtes on Indigeneous Law and the Work of Commissions
Chair: Léa Renard (Universität Heidelberg)
16:40–17:00: Coffee Break
Laure Piguet (Université Fribourg): On Surveys Methods & Topics: The Cotton Handloom-Weavers Inquiries & the Wage Question (1799-1830)
Laurens Schlicht (Universität des Saarlandes): Making the German Youth Ripe for Democracy: Surveying Youth Mentality in the Immediate Post-War Period, the Example of Hesse, 1945-1955
Chair: Martin Herrnstadt (Universität Bremen)
18:40 – 19:00: Closing Round of Discussion
Friday, May 3
10:00–12:00: Presentation of the special issue: “Cultures globales de l’enquête/Global cultures of surveying” to appear as No 0 of the new scientific Journal “À propos” editetd by the Centre Marc Bloch
Introduction: Katia Genel (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne/CMB, tbc)
Chikouna Cissé (Université Félix Houphouët Boigny, Abidjan): Entre descriptions(pré)coloniales et descriptions de soi. La fabrique de l’identité jula au fil des enquêtes en Afrique de l’Ouest (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle)
Stephan Strunz (TU Dresden): „Aus den Höhlen der Elenden“. Die Wohnungsenquêten der Ortskrankenkassen
Martin Herrnstadt (Universität Bremen) & Léa Renard (Universität Heidelberg): Zwischen Detail und großer Zahl. Sozio-politische Epistemologien der Enquête in der frühen deutschsprachigen Sozialforschung (1880–1933)
Anne Schult (Washington University St. Louis): Die Disziplinierung des Flüchtlings. Flüchtlingserhebung, Kolonialstatistik und europäische Siedlungspolitik in den Zwischenkriegsjahren
Hybrid : Germaine-Tillion-Saal & Online
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2. Mai 2024 13:00 - 3. Mai 2024 12:00(GMT+01:00)