Games Canon & Games History

Di13Feb9:30Di18:10Games Canon & Games HistoryVirtual WorkshopVeranstaltungsartWorkshop


Organised by Dîlan Canan Çakir (Freie Universität Berlin/EXC 2020), Research Area 5: „Building Digital Communities“, Anna Kinder (Deutsches Literatur Archiv MarbachForschungsverbund MWW) and Andreas Rauscher (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Hochschule Kaiserslautern Virtual Design, AG Games). 


9:30 |  Introduction: Dîlan Canan Çakir, Anna Kinder, Andreas Rauscher

10:00 | Focus 1: Game Collection Criteria, Chair: Andreas Rauscher

James Newman: tba

Stefanie D. Kuschill: Einblicke, Ausblicke und Schnittstellensuche über den analogen Tellerrand – Die Sammlung des Deutschen Spielearchivs (DSAN)

Rudolf Inderst & Daniel Martin Feige: Computer Games. 50 central titles. A Workshop Report in Theory and Practice.

11:20 | Focus 2: Accessibility, Chair: tba

Timo Rouget: Beyond Books: An Educational Canon of Video Games for Schools

Markus Spöhrer: Disability and Video Game History: Ken Yankelevitz?s Accessible Controllers

13:30 | Focus 3: Milestones in the History of Games, Chair: Dîlan Canan Çakir

Astrid Ensslin: Canonizing the Uncanonizable: Insights from Digital-born Literature

Mirek Stolee: A Cross-Media Escape Game Canon: Historiographical and Archival Considerations

Matthias Oborski: A word is worth a thousand pictures. How text adventures utilise the world’s most powerful graphics engine

15:00 | Focus 4: Games and Canones, Chair: Anna Kinder

Björn Blankenheim: How to not write a canon. On other means of collecting material.

Victoria Mummelthei: Ephemerality and Experience: Questioning the Imperative of Archiving and Canonizing Video Games

Mario Donick: Instead of a Canon: How to include East German games in a collection of German computer games

17:00 | Focus 5: (Historical) Game Collections, Chair: Anke Finger

Beat Suter: LINEL ? a Swiss Game Publisher

Joy DuBose: Milestones of History and Culture: „This War of Mine“

Susana Tosca: Game history, the question of genre

The event will take place online. A link for participation will be uploaded to this page on 12 February 2024.

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13. Februar 2024 9:30 - 18:10(GMT+01:00)