Fr13Nov13:00Fr22:00PARATAXE SYMPOSIUM VII NahostBerlinThe literary Middle East UnionVeranstaltungsartSymposium


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Arabic-speaking and Hebrew-speaking authors from Berlin and their friends dare the utopia of a literary collaboration beyond all that divides them.

What is the influence of the Middle Eastern culture on Berlin? How does Berlin influences the Middle Eastern culture? What happened in the meeting between German Jews and Arab Jews? All these questions and more will be discussed with 14 Berlin writers and experts from all over the Middle East and North Africa.

NahostBerlin – die literarische Middle East Union
Provisional PROGRAMME (DRAFT):

13:00 Registration
13:30 Welcome: Martin Jankowski and Jürgen Becker.
Introduction: Hila Amit.

13:45 Nationalism kaput? Muslim and Jewish poetics in the diaspora
With Hasan Ze Alnoon, Asaf Dvori, Hila Amit and Mariam Rasheed Presented by Mati Shemoelof. In English language.
>> 15:30 Featured Poet: Afshin Javadi Torshizi.

Coffee Break (Fruits & Baklava)

16:30 Middle East-Berlin! The literary Middle East in and from Berlin
Keynote address by Ozan Zakariya Keskinkilic. With Abdulkadir Musa, Tali Okavi, Mati Shemoelof and Afshin Javadi Torshizi. Presented by Omri Ben Yehuda. In German language.
>> 17:45 Featured poet: Tali Okavi.

Break with mediterranean buffet

19:30 Vos shprakh do you write in? German Jews meet Arab Jews
Interdiscourse with literary texts. Keynote by Tal Hever-Chybowski. With Max Czollek. Anna Shapiro, Mona Yahia, Esther Dischereit and Zehava Khalfa. Presented by Hanno Hauenstein. In German language.

Mainly German language program with foreign language parts (English, Arabic, Hebrew, Yiddish) and translations into German.

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13. November 2020 13:00 - 22:00(GMT+01:00)

Literarisches Colloquium Berlin

Am Sandwerder 5, 14109 Berlin

Literarisches Colloquium Berlin