Regina Karl
Vortrag und Diskussion mit Prof. Dr. Regina Karl (Rutgers): “Hand pic(k)s. Technological Reproduction at odds in Robert Wiene‘s The Hands of Orlac” im Rahmen der Seminar Series des Oxford-Berlin
Vortrag und Diskussion mit Prof. Dr. Regina Karl (Rutgers): “Hand pic(k)s. Technological Reproduction at odds in Robert Wiene‘s The Hands of Orlac” im Rahmen der Seminar Series des Oxford-Berlin Research Networks PERLEGO
Join us for the last PERLEGO-network seminar this term with Regina Karl, who will talk about the theoretical potential of the hand in the cinema of the Weimar Republic followed by a discussion with Dr. Sophie Koenig (FU Berlin).
Regina Karl is Assistant Professor of German Studies and Cinema Studies at Rutgers University. She received her PhD from Yale University. In her research, media ecology, the history of technology, and psychoanalysis build the comprehensive framework for understanding the interplay and impact of twentieth century and contemporary literature and film. Her current book project reassesses technological reproducibility based on a sweeping emergence of hands in German and French literature, photography, and film after the turn of the century.
PERLEGO is an international research network based at the University of Oxford in cooperation with the Freie Universität Berlin and supported by TORCH – The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities. It aims to provide a forum for cross-disciplinary thinking about the methodological challenges that arise at the interface of text-and-image analysis, and engage practitioners and scholars at any stage of their careers in the fields of Text-image-relations, Literature, Art and Visual Culture.
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A link to the Zoom-event will be sent out shortly before the 18th of June. Please contact us via Email with any further questions regarding the event or the network: or
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18. Juni 2021 18:00(GMT+02:00)