Seeing and Scale

Mo20Jun19:00Mo21:00Seeing and ScaleGeographies of Computer Vision VeranstaltungsartDiskussion


Kate Crawford and Trevor Paglen will talk about the histories, anatomies, and applications of computer vision systems. Together they will draw on the literature on operational images, the statistical turn in vision research, and their own projects of building neural nets, in order to discuss how the deployment of vision systems at scale should be considered not only as a new form of visual perception but as active and extractive rearrangements of both space and time.


Kate Crawford
Trevor Paglen

Moderated by Fred Turner

Organized by

Organized by the Centre for Digital Cultures of Leuphana University Lüneburg in cooperation with the ICI Berlin

How to Attend

  • At the venue (registration required): Please submit your reservation request.
  • Public livestream (no registration required) on this page with the possibility to ask questions via chat

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20. Juni 2022 19:00 - 21:00(GMT+01:00)


ICI Berlin

Christinenstr. 18-19

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ICI Berlin

Christinenstr. 18-19

ICI Berlin